Exact & Manufactured Solutions
Fundamental ingredients to properly identify the accuracy of numerical algorithms and the correctness of their implementation |
Multi-physics solutions are very sparse. Our requirements are:
- Compressible regime, non-smooth (shocked) solutions
- Complex equation of state, typically tabulated
- Unsteadiness and long-time integration
- Multi-code environment
Identified few important exceptions
- Unsteady coupled flow/solid heat transfer
- Normal and weakly curved shocks
- RHPM flyer
MMS preliminary work (summer internships at Sandia)
- Non linear EOS for combustion: L. Shunn
- Verification of UQ propagation methods: P. Constantine
- Pozzi, A., & Tognaccini, R. “Time Singularities in Conjugated Thermo-Fluid-Dynamic Phenomena”. J. Fluid Mech. Vol. 538, 2005.
- Shunn, L., & Ham, F. “Consistent and Accurate State Evaluation in Variable-Density Flow Simulation”, CTR Annual Briefs, 2006.