[an error occurred while processing this directive]Flight Characterization

Flight Characterization

The characterization of the HyShot Flight is relevant for the full system simulations and to identify the conditions used in the DLR HyShot experiment. Our goals are:

  1. Gather experimental data from the HyShot flight and the DLR ground tests
  2. Characterize the appropriate conditions (and the uncertainties) to be used in simulations
  3. Answer specific questions associated to the potential lack of agreement between the simulations and the data:
    • What is the correct air composition in the DLR experiment?
    • Is the nutation in the HyShot flight important?
    • Is the geometry of DLR test exactly the same as the flight?
    • etc.


Name Email address
Gianluca Iaccarino jops@stanford.edu
Juan J. Alonso jjalonso@stanford.edu
Alireza Doostan Alireza.Doostan@Colorado.EDU
James Glimm glimm@ams.sunysb.edu
Qiqi Wang qiqi@MIT.EDU


DLR ground test strategy....need to elaborate

HyShot Flight strategy...need to elaborate


Presentation at the PSAAP Group Meeting...
Bayesian Inference of the HyShot Flight Conditions




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